It's not JUST about me. It's also about the stuff :o)

My photo
Madera, CA, United States
A paper crafter, a singer, a seamstress, a beader, and mom to three.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Warm Wishes

I love winter cards - it's fun to crate them while it's dark and gloomy outside, when the minimal wind we have is blowing and the valley skies are silver shot with with grays and blues. This is an example of using the brayer with varying colors in the same palette. It was my first or second try, but it turned out OK, I think...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

By Ones and By Twos!!

These pics are part of my baby collection (it's better if you say it like Sebastian in Little Mermaid..."cohl*ek*shun"). There is a mini photo album, a card, of course, and a cutie little box with 8 thank-you's in it. You will be truly amazed and impressed to know I PERSONALLY cut out every little teeny-tiny, itty-bitty flower that sports a yellow center, which I also cut out (with the help of a hole punch). OK, the hole punch did most of the work on the centers, but have you ever tried to pick up one of those 1/16" dots? I picked up upwards of 60 of them with tweezers at UCSF after one of Nick's surgery's, AND moved them to the flowers (no small feat) AND glued them!! Let me know what you think. About the project. Keep all that other minutia to yourself.